Cleanup Resources
Head out to your favorite beach and use the Clean Swell App by The Ocean Conservancy to easily record each item of trash you collect. Then share your effort with family and friends.
With Clean Swell, simply “Start Collecting” trash wherever you are around the world and the data you collect will instantaneously upload to Ocean Conservancy’s global ocean trash database. These data deliver a global snapshot of ocean trash, providing researchers and policy-makers insight to inform solutions.
Record every item of trash you collect.
Share your Cleanup results and impact with friends via Facebook, Twitter, and email.
Track your total distance cleaned.
See the total weight of the trash you collect.
Earn badges based on the type and quantity of trash and cleanups you do, like the Sea Turtle Saver!
Keep a historical record of your Cleanup efforts.
Create ocean trash solutions by contributing to a global database and helping to identify trends.
Learn scientific facts about the impact of trash on ocean animals and what you can do to help.
Click the infographic to the left to download the Clean Swell App today!