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KIBCU in the News!

2021 Shore Update Winner

The Shore Update 2021 Winners: Organization that Makes Our Community a Better Place & A Local with the Biggest Heart

KIBCU, keeping the coast clean

Bay Times 9/22/21 A few of the more than 45 volunteers who turned out for this year’s annual Kent Island Beach Cleanups International Coastal Cleanup, held Saturday morning, Sept. 18, at Terrapin Park Beach, in Stevensville gather around a wagon of collected trash. KIBCU cleanups have been slowed down by the pandemic, but they have continued. KIBCU founder Kristin Weed, center, is looking forward to when many former participants will rejoin the efforts when they feel it’s safe to come out.

Kent Island Beach Cleanups looks forward to 2021 season

Bay Times March 12th, 2021 KENT ISLAND — Beach cleanups can’t afford to sit out another year. Kent Island Beach Cleanups founder Kristin Weed said she is anxious to kick off the season, and she wants volunteers to know the group will be prepared to move ahead in April. A few changes will be in effect due to COVID-19 concerns, Weed said. They will ask volunteers to wear a mask to the sign-in table and bring their own reusable gloves.

Making A Splash Against Trash: A CleanWake Story

Making A Splash Against Trash: A CleanWake Story by Boat Trader Magazine

Bag Ban Rally Media Advisory - 2.2.21

Shore Monthly, April 2020 Earth Day Issue - "Beach Buckets" featuring KIBCU

Be a force for good; take the KIBCU Cares Challenge

STEVENSVILLE — Out for a walk? Put your time to good use. Kent Island Beach Cleanups has announced the KIBCU Cares Challenge

2019 ICC

STEVENSVILLE — Kent Island Beach Cleanups participated in the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup Sept. 21. KIBCU founder Kristin Weed said 227 people turned out to pick up trash at nine sites throughout Queen Anne’s County as part of the world’s largest single-day volunteer effort to remove trash from local beaches and waterways. KIBCU’s event is the largest ICC cleanup on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Volunteers collected 21,792 pieces of debris in just four hours, Weed said.

2019 Shore Update Awards

September 19th, 2019 KIBCU attends the Shore Update’s 2019 Golden Anchor Awards at The Jetty❤️ KIBCU was awarded • An Organization that Makes Our Community a Better Place • A Favorite Community Activity • A Volunteer with the Biggest Heart From left: Treasurer Tracy Wilson, Secretary and Communications Director Lauren Kirwan, and President & Founder Kristin Weed

Bay Times Balloon Ordinance Photo August

Citizens support QA's balloon release ban CENTREVILLE — Queen Anne’s County residents provided a strong support for Ordinance 19-13 during the commissioners meeting Tuesday, Aug. 13, prohibiting the release of non-biodegradable balloons within the county. During the public hearing, comments on the legislation introduced by County Commissioner Chris Corchiarino focused on the damage that both latex and especially mylar balloons cause to local wildlife and waterways when they are released en mass

Celebrating #plasticfreejuly in Newport

ShoreRivers welcome's New Watershed Advisory Board Members The Choptank & Miles-Wye Watershed Advisory Board meets quarterly to strategize programmatic goals and techniques to better reach and serve our local communities in our watershed. Members act as advisors, active volunteers, and advocates for the Riverkeepers and ShoreRivers’ programs. Kristin Weed, KIBCU President, joins the Watershed Advisory Board, representing the Eastern Bay watershed and Kent Island region.

Meet Kristin Weed

"What's Up Eastern Shore" magazine featured KIBCU President and co-founder, Kristin Weed in thier "Towne Salute" section in the July 2019 Issue.

2019 Krusty Crab Jam

We held our "2nd Annual Krusty Crab Jam" benefit show on Saturday, June 29th at Cult Classic Brewing in Stevensville to raise money for new beach cleanup supplies, education materials, and more! KIBCU invited 4 original bands - Kobie Ali Band, RAYNE, PlantFace, and I.S.O. to jam out as well as local food vendors to help us feed our hungry supporters as they bid on over 19 silent auction items from a variety of local businesses.

KC Hawaii

Kent Island Beach Cleanups was featured in the Elephant Journal regarding banning foam in Maryland. June 14th, 2019 "We Need to Pull our Heads out of the (Styrofoam-filled) Sand: what “Normal” People can do to End Pollution." Author: Kristin Weed Elephant Journal Editor: Nicole Cameron

Turn the Tide on Pollution

President and Co-Founder, Kristin Weed, submitted an opinion piece titled "Turning the Tide on Pollution" in the June 5th, 2019 edition of the Kent Island Bay Times, explaining why "Banning the Foam" is a great move for Marylanders (community members and businesses alike), and how it is NOT sustainable, easy, or inexpensive to recycle foam.

JW and KW at 2019 State of the Rivers

KIBCU attends the 2nd Annual "State of the Chester, Wye, and Eastern Bay" with ShoreRivers, hosted by the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center in Grasonville, MD on Thursday, May 16th, 2019.

Clamshell Foam on Street

A victory three years, and many partners, in the making KIBCU is a member of the diverse coalition for a Foam Free MD. April 22, 2019 by Ashley Van Stone, Executive Director TrashFree MD

2019 Schedule

Kent Island Beach Cleanups kicks off season March 30 By Angela Price, KI Bay Times Mar 13, 2019

QAC Chamber Awards 2018

Chamber honors business leaders Weed, Kent Island Beach Clean Ups co-founder, was honored for her work that started the fall of 2012 when she conducted her first beach cleanup for the International Coastal Cleanup through the Ocean Conservancy. Her efforts currently include fundraising, recruiting volunteers and educating the community. As an example of her work, in one day, 239 volunteers picked up 30,622 items. By Kristian Jaime, KI Bay Times Nov 21, 2018

Ladies of KIBCU

First ever Annual Krusty Crab Jam 2018 at Red Eye's Dock Bar Bands Featured: Tubefreeks, Papashake, PlantFace, The Mayan Factor, Legion and Sweatshop Window

2018 Golden Anchor Winner

KIBCU is a 2018 Golden Anchor Winner! The Shore Update’s Readers Choice: 1. Favorite Community Activity 2. Organization that Makes Our Community a Better Place 3. Volunteer with the Biggest Heart. We 💚 our community and volunteers 🙏🏼THANK YOU! From left: VP and co-Founder, Jon Weed, President and co-Founder, Kristin Weed, Treasurer, Tracy Wilson

March 2018 1st Cleanup of Season

First beach cleanup sees record volunteer turnout STEVENSVILLE — Kent Island Beach Cleanups kicked off its 2018 season March 31 with a cleanup at Terrapin Park, where a record 112 volunteers turned out. From Left: KIBCU volunteer, KIBCU Interns Ryan Hoover and Sarah Miller, volunteer Helen Bennett, KIBCU President and co-Founder Kristin Weed, Commissioner Jack Wilson and wife and KIBCU Treasurer Tracy Wilson and volunteer Doris Key

KIBCU Kicks off season March 31st

STEVENSVILLE — Kent Island Beach Cleanups kicks off its 2018 season March 31 with a cleanup at Terrapin Park. Volunteers are needed, and this year their efforts will help create a piece of art.

Volunteers wanted for 2017 ICC

STEVENSVILLE — Volunteers are needed for the Ocean Conservancy’s upcoming International Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, Sept. 16. Kent Island Beach Cleanups founder Kristin Weed is coordinating the local cleanup effort for the sixth year.

KI Beach Cleanups season off to stro

Click the link below for the story!

KIBCU kicks off new season at Terrap

Click on the link below for the story!

Coastal Cleanup largest ever

Click below for the story!

Volunteers participate in Earth Day Cleanup - May 25 2016

May 25th, 2016 Click the link below to read the story!

Ki Beach Cleanup kicks off season at Terrapin

March 23rd, 2016 Click the link below to read the story!

Local coastal cleanup KIBCU largest

October 14th, 2015 Click the link below to read the story!

Help kibcu with ICC - August 25 2015

August 25th, 2015 Click the link below to read the story!

First KIBCU T-shirt Campaign

March 30th, 2014 - By: Kristin Cook, Founder, Kent Island Beach Cleanups On Sunday, March 30th, we started our t-shirt campaign to help us raise money for additional cleanup supplies. The campaign runs for 32 days where we have a goal to sell 50 shirts.

Spalding HS Donates Recycling Bins

March 20th, 2014 By: Kristin Cook, Founder, Kent Island Beach Cleanups The Fisheries and Wildlife Club at Archbishop Spalding High School in Severn, MD donated 3 fishing recycling bins for us to place around the isalnd! Today, they were installed at Terrapin Beach Park and The Kent Narrows Fishing Pier! Special thanks to Christina Stenchly Mohs and her boys from The Fisheries and Wildlife Club at Archbishop Spalding High School for their donation of these bins and to Queen Anne's County Parks

More Than 12 Million Pounds - May 23 2014

May 23rd, 2014 Click the link below to read the story!

Local beach cleanup joins global eff

September 2013 Click the link below to read the story!

Volunteers Clean KI Shorelines July 31 2013

Wednesday, July 31st 2013 Click the link below to read the story!

2016 Good, Better, Best Awards

2016 Good, Better, Best Awards

KIBCU Founder Kristin Weed and Board Member, Tracy Wilson celebrate at the Update's Good, Better, Best Awards at the Jetty. KIBCU won "Volunteers with the Biggest Hearts" and "An Organization that makes our Community a Better Place." We thank you all for the votes!

Our NEW Trailer at Terrapin Beach!

Our NEW Trailer at Terrapin Beach!

On Saturday, July 16th, KIBCU partnered with local artist Bryan Turner and a few local kids, to paint the trash trailer at Terrapin Beach Park. "Our main messaging focuses on the overuse of plastics and what it is doing to our environment." said Kristin Weed, President and Founder of KIBCU. "We want to share with the community that we waste tons and tons of plastic in various forms each year! We must work to REDUCE instead of being reactive and REUSING or RECYCLING."

Bryan Turner, local artist

Bryan Turner, local artist

Local KI artist, Bryan Turner, talking to QACTV today about our "Paint the Trailer" and our new collaboration. He is a blessing as he brings with him so much talent, having worked for Warner Bros., STARZ, Lego, Marvel Comics and more! He's really made one of my many KIBCU dreams come true! Thanks, Bryan and family

Kristin Weed and Volunteers

Kristin Weed and Volunteers

President, Kristin Weed, hands out awards to the volunteers who helped paint the trash trailer.

KI Beach Cleanups kicks off season

KI Beach Cleanups kicks off season

STEVENSVILLE — Kent Island Beach Cleanups kicks off for the season this Saturday at Terrapin Beach.The effort is expanding to include new sites this year — the beach by Hemingway’s and a roadside cleanup, said founder Kristin Weed. “There’s so much trash to be picked up,” she said, and more hands are always needed.

Jon and Kristin Weed, Fall 2015

Jon and Kristin Weed, Fall 2015

Founders, Kristin and Jon Weed, awarded "A Favorite Community Activity, Favorite Volunteers and Organization Making Our Community a Better Place" at The Shore Update's Good, Better, Best Awards at The Jetty, Fall 2015.

Our LARGEST cleanup effort...EVER!

Our LARGEST cleanup effort...EVER!

On Sept. 19, the largest group took part in the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup with Kent Island Beach Cleanups. KIBCU President Kristin Weed, left, and part of the volunteer crew work to clean up Kent Narrows. Some 3,650 pounds of trash was collected a seven different locations.

Our ICC Volunteers

Our ICC Volunteers

Volunteers spanned a broad spectrum: students from Kent Island High School and Archbishop Spaulding High School (in Severn), the seventh-grade teachers from Stevensville Middle School and students of various ages, Boy Scout Troop 495, the staff of Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center, the Chesapeake College Men’s Basketball team and coaching staff, various KI Girl Scout Troops, family groups and individuals.

Top 10 Items Found

Top 10 Items Found

The largest group of volunteers ever turned out to help Kent Island Beach Cleanups during the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, Sept. 19, collecting 3,650 pounds of trash. In all, 136 people (81 adults and 55 youth) helped pick up 13,271 pieces trash and improve the local watershed, said Kristin Weed, president and founder of KIBCU.Cigarette butts represented 28 percent of KIBCU’s basic trash total, with 2,466 butts picked up.

Small, micro-plastics

Small, micro-plastics

Small pieces of plastic and foam as well as cigarette butts are always present. They often get overlooked because of their size, but are the most damaging to our ecosystem,”

KIBCU discusses ICC September 2015

KIBCU discusses ICC September 2015

Kent Island Beach Cleanups President Kristin Weed, left, and Vice President Jon Weed hold the organizational banner at Terrapin Beach; the Bay Bridge is visible behind them. KIBCU will take part in the International Coastal Cleanup, Saturday, Sept. 19. Volunteers are welcome and needed. For information, call 410-458-1240.

KIBCU Booth @ Kent Island Day, 2015

KIBCU Booth @ Kent Island Day, 2015

KIBCU Board Member, Tracy Wilson and Founder & President, Kristin Weed, working their booth at the Kent Island Day Parade, May 16th, 2015 in Historic Downtown Stevensville. This was a wonderful opportunity to show the community what KIBCU is doing to protect and preserve the beaches and parks here on Kent Island. Thanks to all who stopped by to learn more about what we are doing!

The Parade "Float" and Volunteers!

The Parade "Float" and Volunteers!

KIBCU Board Members Tracy Wilson and Karen Sutter, Founder & President Kristin Weed, and Volunteers Pat Bannon and 9 little girls from Stevensville getting ready to walk down Main Street for the 2015 Kent Island Day Parade!

Earth Day 2015 Total Trash Collected

Earth Day 2015 Total Trash Collected

Earth Day Cleanup with Queen Anne's County! We collected an entire trailer full of trash from Love Point Road! Big thank yous to all of the volunteers who came out to help us today;) We really appreciate your time and dedication, and so does our Earth!

Volunteers hard at work on Earth Day

Volunteers hard at work on Earth Day

Some of our volunteers, cleaning up Love Point Road in Stevensville, on Earth Day 2015.

Kristin Weed and Fred McNeil - QACTV

Kristin Weed and Fred McNeil - QACTV

Founder, Kristin Weed, was filmed on QACTV Channel 7 during the program, Fireside Chats, with Fred McNeil on Wednesday, March 25th, 2015. This is KIBCUs first local TV appearance where Kristin had the opportunity to discuss the organization's mission and showcase to the community what we are all about! Check out the video to the right!

Fishing Lines KILL!

Fishing Lines KILL!

This is a VERY small fraction of the fishing lines collected at our cleanups. On this day in particular, we collected over 500 fishing lines, and then lost count!!

NEW Fishing Recycling Bins!

NEW Fishing Recycling Bins!

Special thanks to the Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation Club from Archbishop Spalding High School in Severn, MD for their AMAZING donation! They provided us with 3 fishing line recycling bins to place at Terrapin Beach Park and the Kent Narrows Fishing Pier! Special thanks to Christina Stenchly Mohs and her crew for making this happen!

New KIBCU T-shirt

New KIBCU T-shirt

Vice President, Jon Weed - wearing one of our new t-shirts that he designed personally!

Attention Smokers!

Attention Smokers!

We thought this shirt would help to bring more awareness to how many cigarette butts we pick up in and around the Chesapeake Bay. Designed by, Jon Weed, Vice President.

Official KIBCU Logo!

Official KIBCU Logo!

Kent Island Beach Cleanups - KIBCU is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
© 2024 by Kent Island Beach Cleanups - KIBCU. All rights reserved.
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Kent Island Beach Cleanups (KIBCU)

PO Box 10 Chester, MD 21619

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